One of the most common objections we hear to getting started with video is: “But we don’t have any ideas!” So we’ve taken the hard work out of brainstorming and come up with the ultimate video ideas list, complete with 50 videos for teams – no matter whether you’re marketing, internal communications, learning and development, human resources or sales. So you can get started with video today!

3. Pre-recorded live CEO or C-suite presentations

CEO speaking at an event? Get recording – the footage will be perfect for splicing everything from sound bites to gated long-form content.

15. Video newsletters

Video newsletters are pretty self-explanatory. Take your email – or print – newsletter, pop it in a video, and watch your engagement skyrocket.

16. Video reports

Same goes for video reports; data is notoriously boring (sorry, Finance folk!), so spicing it up with a video and data visualisation like tables and charts can really help.

21. Technical training

It might seem difficult for video to improve on face-to-face training, but it’s entirely possible – especially if training is software-based. HubSpot Academy’s free Marketing Software certification is a great example of how to leverage video this way.

22. Sales enablement training

If your business is a sales-led organisation, sales enablement will be critical to growth. Get the team aligned with diagnostic customer discovery how-to videos.

23. Customer service training

Like sales enablement (and other kinds of training), upskilling customer-centricity with role playing scenarios is made easier, faster and more scalable with video.

32. Connection follow-ups

A connection follow-up video after a meeting recaps prospect goals and challenges, and how your product / service will move them into solution territory.

33. Event invites

Whether on social for trade shows or in an email for lunch and learns, this video invites prospects (or clients) to join you for a value-add session.

34. Product demo videos

The product demo is a step-by-step walkthrough of your solution: what it is, what it does and how its key features will benefit your customers.

35. Webinars e.g. product / sales FAQ

A great bottom-of-the-sales-funnel tactic is a live or pre-recorded webinar to cover off any final questions before a prospect makes their buying decision.

Starting anything is always the hardest part – and we get it, video can seem daunting! But when you break it down, it’s really just about having a good idea, then planning and executing it well. We hope our video ideas have inspired you to start (or keep going! ?) on your video journey. And if you need help, please get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.

Interested in simple, fast and effective video? Shootsta can help

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