Video in emails is becoming a new frontier for marketers, with more than 81% leveraging it as an advertising tool in 2021. More than 54% of email subscribers prefer video to text in their inboxes, and it has the potential to increase ROI by nearly 280%. Of all the various methods of reaching consumers, a video email marketing campaign strategy is one of the best for omnichannel success.

Including video in an email marketing campaign is relatively straightforward. Videos can be easily incorporated into newsletters or customer experience campaigns to provide information, entertainment, or persuasion about a product. They are typically short in nature, less than 2 minutes long at most. Importantly, they are focused on recipient experience above all else, empowering them to make their own decisions.

However, no matter how large your email campaigns are, it always pays to A/B test. Create small variations in video delivery, and optimize moving forward.

Videos in emails have a surprising number of use cases, including:


  • Introducing yourself to leads through a cold email marketing campaign
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  • Offering personalization and communication touchpoints
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  • Sharing company announcements or training materials
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  • Providing how-tos or tutorials to new clients
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  • Showing off product features or functions

The number of ways you can use video in your email campaigns is virtually limitless. But you still need to have an effective strategy in place and use them in line with best practices — let’s take a look at some ways you can effectively leverage video in your emails.

Top 5 video email best practices

If you decide to implement videos into your email workflow, keep these best practices in mind.


  1. Keep your videos short. Aim for a length of 2 minutes or less, if possible. 
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  3. Introduce it. Make sure recipients are aware of your video content. If they don’t know, they won’t click!
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  5. Make the video high-quality. Aim for clear audio, good lighting, and lively talent.
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  7. Add personalization. If possible, incorporate meaningful details about the recipient e.g. their name, their title and their company name. But make sure it’s all spelt and pronounced correctly! Nothing switches a customer off faster than bad personalization.
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  9. Highlight the CTA. Be sure it’s obvious, pointed and relevant to the customer.

Start putting video in emails with Shootsta

From tutorials and how-tos to holiday specials, you can create videos your leads will love with Shootsta by your side. Create instantly sharable video messages that reach customers in seconds, polished with seamless edits from our highly trained team. Stand out and stand tall with help from a suite of tools, integrations, and personalizations.

Interested in simple, fast and effective video?

Shootsta can help. To find out more about how we can help you with your video needs, please enter your details below. We’ll get in touch as soon as possible.

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Discover more about how you can use video in your email marketing…