In a world where human connection is paramount, video has become an indispensable tool, revolutionising how businesses share their stories, build relationships, and foster genuine connections with customers and stakeholders alike. From brand promotion and product demonstrations to customer testimonials and user-generated content, video enables businesses to convey their messages effectively, leaving a lasting impact on their target audience.

Human connection is the foundation of building strong and meaningful relationships with customers and stakeholders. It fosters trust, credibility, and emotional resonance, leading to brand loyalty, open communication, and long-term partnerships. Prioritising human connection in business interactions enables organisations to understand their audience better, create positive brand perceptions, and navigate challenges with resilience. By forging genuine connections, businesses can drive customer satisfaction, employee engagement, and collaboration, ultimately propelling success in today’s competitive landscape.

The purpose of this blog is to explore 5 creative ways businesses can harness the power of video to enhance communication and inspire human connection. By delving into innovative strategies, real-life examples, and actionable tips, we aim to empower you to create compelling video content that forges authentic relationships with customers and stakeholders.

Humanise Your Brand Through Video

Before we jump in, let’s first understand the importance of humanising your brand through video.

The power of video lies in its ability to humanise a brand through storytelling, making it relatable and resonate with its audience. By weaving narratives that evoke emotions and portray the faces and personalities behind the brand, video creates a genuine and authentic connection. It goes beyond facts and features, capturing the essence of the brand’s mission, values, and purpose.

This connection leads to increased engagement, stronger relationships, and a positive brand perception, ultimately driving loyalty and advocacy among customers and stakeholders.

Examples of businesses that have successfully humanised their brand through video:

1. Dollar Shave Club

The viral video catapulted Dollar Shave Club to fame.

Why we love it: In the video, the company’s charismatic founder, Michael Dubin, delivered a witty and humorous pitch about the brand’s razor subscription service. His authentic and relatable personality made the brand stand out, resonating with viewers and showcasing the human side of the company.

2. Google

Google’s videos have become an annual tradition that showcase the real-life moments and events that shaped the year.

Why we love it: These videos tap into emotions and highlight the power of Google’s search engine in connecting people with information.

3. Airbnb

Airbnb’s campaign featured short videos highlighting the unique experiences and memories of hosts and guests.

Why we love it: By sharing personal stories, experiences, and connections made through Airbnb, the company humanised its brand, showing that it’s not just about accommodation but about creating meaningful connections between people.


TOMS Shoes produced powerful videos showcasing their mission, where every purchase leads to a pair of shoes being donated to a child in need.

Why we love it: These stories evoke emotions and demonstrate the human impact of the brand’s charitable endeavours.

5. Patagonia

Patagonia’s campaign highlighted the stories behind well-loved Patagonia clothing items and their journeys with their owners.

Why we love it: These videos celebrated the durability of the products while showcasing the deep emotional connections customers had with their gear, making the brand more relatable and sustainable.

In these examples, businesses successfully humanised their brand through video content by showcasing real people, sharing personal stories, and connecting with their audience on an emotional level. These authentic and relatable narratives have helped these companies build stronger relationships with their customers and stakeholders, ultimately driving brand loyalty and advocacy.

Let’s now look at 5 ways you can use video to enhance communication and inspire human connection.

1. Employee Spotlight Videos


Employee spotlight videos are short videos that showcase individual employees within an organisation, highlighting their roles, experiences, and contributions. These videos offer a glimpse into the personal and professional lives of employees, allowing viewers to connect with the faces behind the brand.

The role of employee spotlight videos in building trust within an organisation is significant. When employees are featured in these videos, it humanises the workplace and fosters a sense of transparency and authenticity. By showcasing the unique talents and stories of employees, these videos demonstrate that the organisation values and appreciates its team members.

Employee spotlight videos also promote a positive work culture by celebrating individual achievements and contributions. This recognition not only boosts employee morale and engagement but also instil a sense of pride and belonging among the workforce.

Furthermore, when employees see their colleagues being recognised and appreciated, it builds a sense of trust and camaraderie within the organisation. It conveys the message that the company cares about its employees and acknowledges their hard work.

Tips on creating authentic and engaging employee spotlight videos:

  1. Choose Diverse Team Members: Select a diverse group of team members from different departments and roles to showcase the breadth of expertise and skills within your organisation.
  2. Craft Personal Stories: Encourage team members to share personal anecdotes and experiences that highlight their journey, passions, and challenges. Authentic storytelling creates a connection with the audience.
  3. Focus on Passion and Impact: Highlight team members’ passion for their work and the positive impact they make on the organisation and customers. Emphasise the value they bring to the team.
  4. Keep it Concise: Keep the videos short and focused, ideally between 1 to 3 minutes, to maintain viewers’ attention and deliver a powerful message.
  5. Capture Natural Conversations: Use a relaxed interview-style format to capture candid and natural conversations. Avoid scripting and allow team members to speak from the heart.
  6. Showcase Work Environment: Incorporate footage of team members in their work environment to provide context and give viewers a glimpse of the company culture.
  7. Include B-Roll Footage: B-roll footage of team members working, interacting, and engaging in daily tasks adds depth and visual interest to the video.
  8. Add Subtitles: Consider adding subtitles to accommodate viewers who watch videos without sound, making the content accessible to a broader audience.

By following these tips, you can create employee spotlight videos that are genuine, compelling, and resonate with your audience. These videos not only humanise your brand but also foster a deeper sense of connection and pride among your team members.

2. Customer Testimonials


Customer testimonials play a crucial role in establishing credibility and trust for a business. When potential customers hear positive feedback and experiences from existing satisfied customers, it builds confidence in the brand’s products or services. Testimonials provide real-life proof of the business’s ability to deliver on its promises and meet customer needs. By showcasing the authentic voices and experiences of happy customers, testimonials create a sense of transparency and honesty, which fosters trust and credibility in the eyes of potential buyers. As a powerful form of social proof, customer testimonials influence purchasing decisions and contribute significantly to building a positive brand reputation.

Key components of a testimonial:

  1. Satisfied Customer: In a video testimonial, a customer shares their positive experience with a product or service. They might discuss how the product solved a problem, exceeded their expectations, or improved their life. The genuine enthusiasm and satisfaction in their voice and facial expressions convey their true happiness, making the testimonial highly convincing.
  2. Transformation Story: Showcase how a customer’s life has been transformed positively by the product or service. For example, a weight loss product could feature a customer sharing their journey, complete with before-and-after visuals, and expressing their newfound confidence and happiness.
  3. Emotional Impact: Have the customer share an emotional story related to the product or service. It could be a heartfelt thank-you message, expressing gratitude for the support received during a challenging time. The emotions conveyed in their voice and body language create a compelling and moving testimonial.
  4. Comparison: A customer compares the product or service with alternatives they have tried in the past. They explain why the featured product is superior and how it addresses specific pain points more effectively. The sincerity in their comparison provides valuable insights for potential customers.
  5. Keep it Guided and Unscripted: Feature unscripted and spontaneous responses from customers. Have them share their experiences naturally, without being prompted or rehearsed. The lack of a script adds authenticity and believability to the testimonial.
  6. Success Story: Focus on a customer’s achievements or milestones achieved with the help of the product or service. It highlights the tangible results and reinforces the value and effectiveness of the offering.

In each of these examples, the use of video allows customers to share their experiences in a more personal and compelling way. The emotions, expressions, and sincerity conveyed through video testimonials resonate with potential customers, building trust, and influencing their purchasing decisions. The impact of video testimonials goes beyond just words on a screen; it brings genuine customer stories to life, making them a powerful tool in the arsenal of any business seeking to establish credibility and connect with their audience.

3. Live or Prerecorded Q&A Sessions


Hosting live or prerecorded Q&A sessions through video platforms offers numerous benefits for businesses and organisations. Firstly, it allows direct and real-time interaction with the audience, fostering a sense of authenticity and transparency. This format enables timely responses to questions, concerns, and feedback, creating a dynamic and engaging experience that builds trust and rapport with viewers. Moreover, Q&A sessions provide valuable opportunities to showcase the expertise and knowledge of the hosts, positioning them as industry leaders and increasing their credibility. By addressing queries in a personal and interactive manner, businesses can tailor their responses to individual needs, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Best practices to ensure a seamless and engaging Q&A experience:

  1. Promote in Advance: Advertise the Q&A session in advance to build anticipation and attract a larger audience.
  2. Choose the Right Platform: Select a reliable and user-friendly video platform that accommodates your audience size and technical requirements.
  3. Prepare Questions: Have a list of pre-prepared questions to kickstart the session and keep the conversation flowing.
  4. Assign a Moderator: Appoint a skilled moderator to manage the Q&A, keep it organised, and address any inappropriate or off-topic questions.
  5. Engage and Acknowledge: Interact with participants in real-time, addressing them by name and acknowledging their contributions.
  6. Be Authentic and Transparent: Provide honest and transparent responses to build trust with your audience.
  7. Stay on Schedule: Stick to the scheduled time frame to respect participants’ time and keep the session focused.
  8. Encourage Audience Participation: Prompt viewers to submit questions during the session and encourage active participation.
  9. Stay Positive and Respectful: Maintain a positive and respectful tone throughout the Q&A, fostering a welcoming environment for all participants.
  10. Follow Up: After the session, follow up with a thank-you message, and consider sharing a recap or summary of the event.

By following these best practices, you can host engaging and successful Q&A sessions that foster interaction, build rapport, and strengthen relationships with their audience.

4. Behind-the-Scenes Content


Behind-the-scenes videos provide a captivating glimpse into a company’s culture and processes, offering viewers an authentic and transparent view of how things operate behind closed doors. These videos showcase the human side of the organisation, featuring employees working collaboratively, sharing ideas, and engaging in day-to-day activities. By showcasing the company’s culture, values, and work environment, behind-the-scenes videos create a relatable and personal connection with the audience. Additionally, these videos build trust and credibility, as they demonstrate the organisation’s commitment to openness and authenticity.

Examples of ways that businesses can effectively leverage behind-the-scenes content:

  1. Showcasing the Creative Process: Share behind-the-scenes videos of product development, design, or content creation. This gives customers insight into the effort and passion that goes into crafting your offerings, fostering appreciation and trust.
  2. Employee Spotlights: Feature team members in behind-the-scenes videos to introduce the faces behind the brand. This humanises the company, creating a personal connection with customers and stakeholders.
  3. Office Culture and Work Environment: Offer glimpses of the workplace culture and daily routines. This fosters transparency and authenticity, helping customers relate to the brand on a more personal level.
  4. Exclusive Sneak Peeks: Tease upcoming products, events, or initiatives with behind-the-scenes content. This creates anticipation and excitement among the audience, boosting engagement.
  5. Manufacturing and Production Processes: Showcase how products are made, emphasising quality and attention to detail. This builds confidence in the brand’s offerings and manufacturing standards.
  6. Events: Share behind-the-scenes footage from events, conferences, or trade shows. This allows the audience to feel like they are part of the experience, even from a distance.
  7. Team Collaborations: Highlight cross-functional teamwork and collaboration in behind-the-scenes videos. This demonstrates a unified and dedicated team, reinforcing the brand’s values.
  8. Success Stories and Impact: Share stories of how the brand’s products or services have positively impacted customers. This authenticity enhances credibility and builds a stronger emotional connection.
  9. Customer Appreciation: Feature behind-the-scenes content that expresses gratitude to loyal customers and celebrates their support. This strengthens the bond between the brand and its customers.
  10. Social Responsibility Efforts: Document behind-the-scenes content of charitable initiatives or community involvement. This showcases the brand’s commitment to making a positive difference, resonating with socially-conscious customers.

By leveraging behind-the-scenes content strategically, businesses can create meaningful connections with their audience, showcase their values, and stand out in the competitive market.

5. User-Generated Content


User-generated content refers to content created by customers, fans, or users rather than the brand itself. It can take various forms, including customer reviews, social media posts, photos, videos, and testimonials.

The significance of user-generated content lies in its authenticity and relatability. When customers share their experiences, opinions, and stories, it humanises the brand and creates a sense of community.

How businesses can leverage user-generated content to build connection and trust with their audience:

  1. Encourage and Showcase Customer Stories: Invite customers to share their experiences with your products or services through testimonials, reviews, or social media posts. Highlight these stories on your website, social media channels, or marketing campaigns. This demonstrates that your brand values and appreciates its customers, strengthening the bond between the business and its audience.
  2. Engage in Conversations: Respond to user-generated content with genuine interactions. Whether it’s a comment on social media or a review on your website, engaging with customers shows that you care about their opinions and feedback. This two-way communication fosters a sense of openness and trust.
  3. Run User-Generated Content Campaigns: Create user-generated content campaigns that encourage customers to share their content related to your brand. For example, ask them to post photos or videos using your products with a specific hashtag. This not only generates authentic content but also encourages customers to become brand advocates.
  4. Showcase Diversity: Feature a diverse range of user-generated content to represent various customer demographics and experiences. Embrace the uniqueness of your customers’ content, celebrating the human aspect of your brand.
  5. Highlight User-Generated Reviews: Display positive reviews and testimonials prominently on your website or promotional materials. This social proof bolsters your brand’s credibility and fosters trust among potential customers.

By utilising user-generated content, businesses can create a more genuine and human connection with their audience. User-generated content allows customers to become brand advocates, contributing to the narrative of the brand and fostering a sense of belonging within the community. Embrace the power of user-generated content to humanise your brand, engage your audience, and build lasting connections that drive loyalty and growth.


Video revolutionises business communication, forging genuine connections and humanising brands. The blog explored five creative ways to achieve this:

  1. Employee Spotlight Videos: Trust and engagement grow as team members’ expertise and passion are showcased.
  2. Customer Testimonials: Authentic experiences establish credibility, using video to convey genuine emotions and build loyalty.
  3. Live or Prerecorded Q&A Sessions: Real-time interactions enhance transparency, building rapport and stronger relationships with the audience.
  4. Behind-the-Scenes Content: Behind-the-scenes glimpses foster deeper connections with customers.
  5. User-Generated Content: Engaging formats inspire active audience participation, strengthening connections and leaving a lasting impact.

Ready to forge lasting connections with your audience?

Implement these creative video strategies in your business communication today. Shootsta empowers you to create impactful video content that humanises your brand, builds trust, and leaves a lasting impression. Unlock your creative potential and make video the heart of human connection in your business. Get started now and watch your relationships with customers and stakeholders thrive like never before!

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