2. They Reject Traditional Marketing Methods

According to a recent study conducted by the McCarthy Group, 84% of millennials distrust or outright reject traditional marketing methods (like commercials, print ads, billboards etc.). Also, millennials’ perceptions of business motivation and ethics are at the lowest in four years, and only 45% of millennials believe that businesses have a positive impact on society (down from 72% in 2017). This doesn’t mean millennials don’t make purchases – in fact, they spend around $600 billion and growing per year – but they’re incredibly selective when it comes to the brands they support.

Millennials are also very selective about the content they consume. In this digital age, where information is shared instantaneously, millennials are highly skilled at filtering anything they don’t want to see. This means your marketing efforts really need to make a strong first impression. Millennials purchase based on feelings – not overt sales pitches. If you can find an inspiring, entertaining and interactive way to showcase your brand within the context of developing relationships and trust, your marketing efforts will be impactful.

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