Today marks a pivotal moment in Shootsta’s journey, one we are thrilled to share with our amazing customers and community: the unveiling of our new brand identity! This is more than just a cosmetic change; it’s a reaffirmation of our purpose, a sharper focus on our vision, and a bold step forward in our mission. It reflects where we are today and leads the way towards the future we’re crafting with you, our customers and partners.

Reaffirming Our Purpose, Vision and Mission

At our core, Shootsta has always been about empowering people. Our purpose is to unlock the creative potential within each individual and organisation, enabling them to create impactful, effective video content seamlessly and affordably. This purpose drives us, informing every decision and shaping our services. As we reveal our new brand identity, we’re also reaffirming our commitment to this empowering ethos.

Our new brand identity is anchored in our vision to see video at the heart of human connection and communication, in every business. In an increasingly digital world, video content stands out for its ability to convey messages with clarity, empathy, and energy. We envision a business landscape where this medium is not just an option but an integral, valued strategy for internal and external communication.

Aligned with our vision is our mission to empower people to create effective video content that is easier to make, more affordable, at scale. We understand the challenges organisations face in producing consistent, quality video content. Our services, underpinned by our new brand identity, are designed to eliminate these barriers, providing the tools, training, and support needed to scale video content creation without sacrificing quality.

A New Brand Identity

Shootsta’s new brand identity is a visual manifestation of our evolution. It’s vibrant, dynamic, and forward-looking, resonating with the energy and innovation that our team and clients bring to the table every day. More than that, it’s a beacon for our aspirations, a constant reminder of the heights we aim to achieve together.

The brand reveal isn’t just about what’s changed; it’s about what’s stayed the same. Our unwavering commitment to our clients, our relentless pursuit of innovation, and our belief in the power of video remain steadfast. What changes is how we present ourselves to the world, with a renewed focus and a visual identity that encapsulates our journey and aspirations.

Without further ado, take a look at our NEW LOOK

The Rollout

In the coming months, this fresh branding will touch every aspect of Shootsta. From our website and social media profiles to the Platform and marketing materials, we’re infusing every space with our renewed identity. It’s a testament to our growth, maturity, and dedication to the journey ahead.

A BIG Thank you!

As we celebrate this significant milestone, we extend our deepest gratitude to you for being a part of our journey. Your trust, collaboration, and input are invaluable. This brand identity reveal is as much yours as it is ours, for you’ve helped shape Shootsta into what it is today.

We look forward to continuing this journey together, forging new paths, and achieving greater heights. Here’s to making better video, one frame at a time, under a brand that truly reflects who we are and everything we believe in.

Excited about our new look and what it represents, or just want to say hi? We’d love to hear from you!

Ready to supercharge your video content? We’re here to help!

To find out how Shootsta can transform the way you communicate with video, reach out to us!