Unless your employees are communicating effectively, it will be difficult to have a highly-committed and well-performing workforce – and video content has become an imperative part of that equation.

In fact, according to a report by Melcrum, 93% of internal communication professionals believe that video has become essential.

Many organisations still rely on mile-long emails when communicating with internal departments, failing to realise the power that video has both inside and outside the company.

If you are looking to totally rock how your management team and employees communicate, here are some fresh ideas to consider.

1. Be gone lengthy emails

I say this every month and I boldly repeat myself again – online training and how-to videos, weekly or monthly company newsletters, a presentation from your CEO, employee contributions to boost morale, important updates to company procedures or interviewing your employees about a topic – are all video friendly content.

Keep videos short and punchy, make them conversational, record interviews, and use animations. Think about how else you can communicate what you would usually just write – and watch those engagement rates soar.

2. Encourage contributions

Empower your employees to share their opinions. Management doesn’t necessarily need to have the final word on everything – encourage two-way conversations and emphasise that diverse opinions won’t affect their standing in the company.

Having an open door policy reduces office politics and helps employees realise that their opinions and thoughts matter and positively impact the company culture.

This burst of creativity and innovation from fresh ideas, once synthesised, can be successfully dispersed through various content and strategic platforms like marketing, fundraising and team building.

3. Humanise Metrics

Which do you think is more likely to have a positive impact:


  • A short, diagram filled video from the team explaining how quarterly results, data, graphs, and growth numbers should impact the company focus, or,
  • t

  • A long email (with diagrams) that tells employees which direction they should be focusing in order to reach the company goals.

Unless you take delight from reading train timetables, the answer is clear.

By communicating metrics visually and conversationally, you’ll be a lot more successful in encouraging the actions that need to follow suit. Adding voice, movement and imagery through video will enable teams to see where exactly they need to focus without overloading them with pages of data.

4. Release a monthly series

Ok, so your workplace may not quite be the cast of Friends, but having a regular video series is a great way to build culture, entertain and inform.

Here, you take your regular monthly newsletter and flip it by communicating your news through an ever evolving cast of (local) characters. Yep, people from your company humorously (or not) relays the thread of events over the last month.

You can film months-worth of content in one day to give you plenty of mileage. You will then drip feed this out to your pining audience, guaranteeing your footage won’t be pushed aside and give your colleagues or clients something to look forward to.

In Conclusion

The people inside your organisation are what make your company possible… and unless they are communicating effectively, it is difficult to know where you stand. Collaboration will drive the evolution of your brand! Video cuts through the clutter and humanises your company in new and creative ways.

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Happy Shooting!

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