The Shootsta Show: Season 4, Episode 4.

The Shootsta Show is a live 1 hour program where we’ll teach you all you-need-to-know about professional videos. Each week we’ll broadcast from one of our locations in Sydney, Singapore, San Diego and London hosted by our resident video experts. They’ll bring you the latest best practices, tips, tricks and inspiration from around the globe.

Personalised sales videos

In this episode

Unfortunately, in reality hot leads don’t just drop out of the sky into our laps. Wouldn’t that be great? Although, there is a way to attract and to get leads to just line up. It’s all about engagement, personalisation and storytelling. And video is the perfect medium for that.

In this episode, we’ll be chatting with Amanda Bulat, Senior Content Marketing Manager at LinkedIn Sales & Marketing Solutions and Jamie Shanks, Managing Partner at Sales for Life about the benefits of video in social selling.

Watch and learn:


  • Why engaging with customers matters
  • t

  • The sales engagement framework for success
  • t

  • How to create stories that matter to people
Watch Now

Shootsta’s Script Template for Sales Teams

Our all-in-one sales script and shot list to create a catchy and professional video pitch.