If your job touches recruitment, you probably know all about The Great Resignation – the post-pandemic trend that has seen hordes of people quitting their jobs. It’s a trend that’s set to continue, with one in five workers across the world planning to switch employers in 2022. 

While this movement is still playing out, one thing is for sure – standing out to candidates has never been more important. It’s a candidate’s market and talent can afford to be choosy. So how can hiring managers stand out at every stage of the recruitment journey? 

In this piece, we’ll walk you through the new recruitment funnel that every recruiter and hiring manager should be across. We’ll explore how video will help you develop a personal connection with talent at every stage of their journey – and hopefully help you get a star recruit to sign on the dotted line and ready to kick goals at your company.

You can also download the infographic and the Ultimate Recruitment Toolkit

Stage 1: Awareness


At this early stage of the recruitment funnel, you’re not filling a specific role or targeting an applicant, but enhancing your company’s perception as a great place to work. 

Having a great employer brand will be essential in reeling in great candidates –  after all, ​​92% of people would consider changing jobs if offered a role with a company with an excellent corporate reputation. Start with some desktop research: how is your company presenting on your website’s career page, LinkedIn and Glassdoor? From there, think about how you can show (not tell) why your company is a great place to work by communicating its vision, culture and values.

Here’s how video can help: 


  • Post employee testimonials on your social media channels. 
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  • Create brand videos about what your company does and why your people love working there. Here are some great examples to get you inspired.  

Stage 2: Attraction


At this stage, you’ll hone in on a specific job opportunity. Start by publishing a job ad and encouraging your team to share it with their networks. 

But here’s a surprising statistic: Only 30% of the global workforce is actively looking for work, meaning the remaining 70% are passive talent who aren’t actively searching for work. This means it’s less likely that your job ad will land in front of all possible candidates This is where recruiters can reach out to prospective talent who may not be actively looking for their new role and show them why your company is worth considering. 

That said, blasting out a copied and pasted cold email just won’t do. After all, personalised InMails perform about 20% better than ones sent en masse. To grab their attention you need to show you’ve done your homework on the candidate and personalize your outreach tactics.

Here’s how video can help: 


  • Create a snappy video telling the prospective candidate about the opportunity and why their skills would be a great match. 
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  • Feature a video at the top of the job description that covers the job perks and company culture. 

Stage 3: Consideration


You’re seeing interest – great! Now you have to focus on nurturing top candidates with the ultimate aim of getting them to apply. Communication is everything in this stage: be sure you’re providing information about the role, the company and its values. 

During this stage, you want to help candidates visualize what it would be like to work for your company. It’s also a good idea to involve their prospective manager at this stage to talk through the day-to-day of the role. This will help them to understand what the role will look like in practice and 94% of talent say being contacted by a prospective manager can make them accept a job offer faster. 

Here’s how video can help: 


  • Send the candidate a video from their potential manager who can explain what a week in the life at the job could look like. 
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  • Regular personalized check-ins are useful here too. Doing this will help the candidate feel engaged with the role and the company, so they’re not just talking with a faceless job ad. 

Stage 4: Application


Did you know that 60% of applicants abandon an application due to length or complexity? Don’t let this happen to you. You can counter this by clearly communicating what’s needed in the interview process and the timeframe they can expect. Be very clear on the interview process and the timeframe. Here’s a great example by Google where they walk through each stage of the process. 

During this stage, it’s essential to show how easy the process will be and ensure they have a positive application experience. 

Here’s how video can help: 


  • Share a video outlining each step in the hiring process on the job ad or Careers page. 
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  • Detail the typical number of interviews, time frames and so on. This will help the candidate mentally prepare for the process. 

Stage 5: Selection


This stage involves assessing and narrowing your candidate pool. As well as interviews, this period will involve interviews, tests and reference checks. 

During this stage, it’s crucial you keep the candidate informed throughout the process, even if they’re not successful. 

Here’s how video can help: 

Stage 6: Offer


So close! But you’re not there yet. Applicants are pickier than ever – and in an applicant’s market they can afford to be. In fact, in the US around 17.3% of job offers are rejected each year.  

During this stage, remember that remuneration is only one element that will factor into their decision-making. Showcase your company benefits as a complete package, covering opportunities for development, flexible work and the company culture. 

Here’s how video can help: 


  • Create a video showing how the team works together and how the role would contribute to the company’s goals. 

Stage 7: Onboarding


Congratulations! Your ideal candidate has signed on the dotted line. But the recruitment process doesn’t end here. Quite the opposite! A negative pre-boarding and onboarding experience will impact how long they stay with your company. In fact, 91% of new hires are willing to quit within the first month and 93% during the probation period if the job doesn’t match their expectations

During this stage, prioritize helping new starters find their feet and feel supported. You can also help them find meaning by showing them how their role will ladder up to the company’s strategy.    

Here’s how video can help: 


  • Before they start, create a personalized welcome video from the team and encourage them to share how excited they are to meet them. .  
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  • Use Shootsta Cast, our screen recording software, to demonstrate how to do certain tasks. 

Attracting candidate interest and guiding down the funnel is no simple task, especially in a candidate’s market. Recruiters are vying for candidates’ attention and incorporating video at every stage will help you stand out in this crowded space.

Mike Pritchett

Author: Mike Pritchett, Founder & CEO, Shootsta

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