In summary:

How to create powerful video testimonials?

  1. Be authentic and as real as you can be. Today’s customers hate anything that smells like advertising.
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  3. Be relevant. Always be updated with the trends and don’t be afraid to ride them.
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  5. Use the spectrum of emotions to your advantage. Make people feel something because their emotion is the way to their wallet.
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  7. Pay attention to personalized service. Customer experience isn’t considered a mega trend for no reason, meaning it’s big business.
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  9. Appear professional. If your business is corporate, you have no other choice but to sound and smell corporate.
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  11. Build your credibility. It’s true that you’re only as good as your last work, but then some works last forever, like in films. So, showcase your reputation-building stories in your video testimonials.
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  13. Go social. Experiment with UGC and learn how influencers are doing testimonials these days. Tip: They usually do combinatorial hybrid videos.

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